Tips for Entering Events on the NJAES and Rutgers–New Brunswick Calendars

  • Do make sure you check the calendars before entering an event, to make sure someone didn't already enter the same event.
  • Don't use ALL CAPS for event names. Don't use all lowercase either. Title case works best.
  • Do make sure your event name makes sense when viewed in the context of the main NJAES calendar (e.g., "Rutgers Gardens Volunteer Orientation", not "Volunteer Orientation"; "4-H Climate Summit", not "Climate Summit").
  • Don't post an event with just an event name and a date. At the very least, include a concise, useful description, a location, and contact information.

For the NJAES Calendar Only:

  • Don't select every unit possible in hopes of getting a wider audience. If everyone did that, the unit distinctions would become meaningless. Only select the units that are directly related to your event.